|Clubhouse|Trees|Climbing|Books|Mount Doom|

Bowmen of Winston

Founded November 2014 by John (Master) and Eiann (Bastard)

Book-Beetles from February 2015. We burrow into a book's pages and chew over its contents.


The master and I intend to embark on an adventure into the realm of books. In our quest for good reads we shall be indefatigable in our efforts; steadfast in our resolve; and true, yet most likely partial in our appraisals, since they will be largely subjective in content. We have considered the idea (master's idea) of offering our assessments in video format. I am sure it is a goodly idea, but I am not sure it is a good idea to include me in them, nor master, nor the club-house interior (when we have one), nor the kettle and our drinking utensils which will most likely be furred and brown from over-use and under-washing.


Updated here, as at Saturday 20th June 2015:

Master's wisdom has prevailed again. He has decided that we should not go so far as producing video-based appraisals, nor, even, appraisals in written form; instead, we are to rate books wot we 'ave read with a number in a scale of another number which master is yet to decide. I think I prefer this idea even though I don't understand it.

Master is all-knowing.



While master was out of the clubhouse, I set up a table based on that which I do not understand. It stands below.




HMS Ulysses Alastair McClean 7.0 7.0 14
The Cruel Sea Nicholas Monserat 7.5    
When the Lion Feeds Wilbur Smith
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen: a tale of Alderley Alan Garner 8.6
Elidor Alan Garner 8.6


There is a little more to add: Master has had further thoughts. They are largely based on my inability to keep up with the prodigiousness of his own reading ability. And I have to agree, not from any pressure exerted by duty or rank, you understand, but from the sprout of knowledge budding in the dark recess of my mind that urges me. It is a single and simple fact that I can be a bit sluggish. Anyway, Master's sprout is fully grown and turgid with knowledge; bursting with it! To this (t-his) end, we are to be led, nay, guided by his choices, (though he has very generously allowed me to play the game and to have a choice of my own making provided it was first conceived by Master); and since he alone has access to a vast repository of hitherto unheard of titles, it seems only right that it is he who crafts and shapes the ideas while I just bugger about with the list.

So be it; be it so; so it be; it be so...



Bowmaster & Bastard